Sunday, January 30, 2011

Claire Bedfords' 1st Brithday Party

On Sunday we went to Claire's 1st Birthday Party. Anna, one of my closest friends, & I were pregnant together with our girls and had them 5 weeks apart! So by nature, Claire & Emma were instant friends! :) We had a fun time, and got some good ideas for Emma's upcoming birthday. It was a great party, filled with lots of family and friends.

Emma & Daddy

Court, Mason & the kids

Luke & Mason Byers

Claire, Anna & Jason

How nice, sharing


The cake is GOOD

Great Mom & Daughter Picture!

Cake time

Lillian Parke & the dad's

Emma & Claire playing

Claire & Izzy Freeman


Dad's and the swing set

The birthday girl Claire

Anna, Claire, Me, & Emma

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