Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Home sweet home!

Our new family

Little Emma - her little coming outfit that SuSu made

Emma, Me, Court & Maggie

It's a GIRL!!

Court, Emma & I arrived back at our house and was greeted by our good friend, Kate Parke, who met us to take pictures of our arrival. So we are thankful to her, as we have all the great pictures of our new family. It was a GORGEOUS day, mid 70s and sunny! Maggie was so excited meeting Emma...and was very interested in her (thankfully!). We took Emma on a walk in her new stroller! Emma loves her stroller, and the walks... Many of our neighbors came out to meet Emma! It was such a wonderful day.......... Needless to say, the night was not so good...the three of us barely slept a wink! We had our first doctor appointment early the next morning, and had a good check up. Emma had already gained 3 oz since we left the hospital! Already, a good eater...even if it was through a syringe! That next day, SuSu came down to stay with us the remainder of the week since Court had to go back to work. She was SUCH a big help! Emma and SuSu became roommates for the week, and my mom would bring Emma to me in the night when she was ready to eat. Emma pretty much from the start was eating every three hours. We had a wonderful first week at home, and had lots of visitors and wonderful friends who all brought up good dinners!

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